tangchao 发表于 2009-11-19 10:26:05


【作者单位】:上海市政二公司桥结分公司 上海200333 (王少峰);上海港务工程公司 上海200062 (杨志君);上海打捞局 上海200090(朱海荣)
  1 概述1.1 基础资料上海洋山深水港区一期工程东海大桥西起上海市南汇区芦潮港镇南汇咀海滩与老大堤交汇处,东至浙江省嵊泗县崎岖列岛的小洋山,跨越28km的杭州湾外北部海域,大桥全长约31km。东海大桥非通航孔段分为60m(59m)和70m跨径区段。墩柱采用整体预制海上安装方案施工。在沈家湾桥梁构件预制场预制经专用码头吊运出海,采用大型浮吊架设安装。其中非通航孔59m~60m跨共计有416节墩柱需要完成海上运输和吊装,预制节段高度在6~13m之间,重量达到150~340t。1.2 施工海区气象水文情况1.2.1 气象东海大桥施工区域位于北亚热带南缘、东…

 Donghai Bridge is the first building express highway bridge over sea in real signification in China. It has special construction condition, construction process and difficult degree for construction. The paper states in details the main construction process and control method of a new construction process of outer sea bridge through the practical examination, i.e. land integral precast of pier columns and sea erection and construction. It hopes to play some roles for reference of the construction of the similar bridges.
【Keyword】:Donghai Bridge, Bridge over Sea, sea erection of precast columns, construction process

tangchao 发表于 2009-11-19 10:30:22


fengjunqiu 发表于 2018-2-28 22:53:00

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查看完整版本: 东海大桥预制墩柱海上架设施工