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发布者: redflag | 发布时间: 2017-5-21 22:03| 查看数: 5107| 评论数: 2|帖子模式

4 c0 Y, M* w7 A" P
  Project data ! D2 D; n1 g4 ]( A
  Location: Dresden, Germany
- B/ z) a! x" S7 Y2 Z7 a8 F- T  arched bridge over the river Elbe
4 J" y0 `& J6 s) @& H: ~  structure: arched bridge with four lanes, plus pedestrian and cycle paths
9 z$ _1 d  f8 A1 H  superstructure in steel composite construction method # L; w& U! k. f+ W
  overall length: 635 m 6 r1 g9 O: b8 h, @- ?: j
  standard cross-section width: 28 m
' D( i( M' _- ~& u$ Q6 b* y  span of steel arches: 148 m ! g5 z) j; K% I5 l+ y( [
  construction period: 2007 – 2012 2 ~7 P( K' s3 Y0 K0 I$ a0 u; x4 d& ~
  Requirements 3 G. ]& Q5 v' a" T$ K& @+ |
  complicated bridge geometry
- {9 E/ R6 m" e7 [2 x4 \  Customer ( k2 M" O0 Y/ s# t. F
  ARGE Ingenieurbau Waldschlsschenbrcke;# O' c$ q  k. ^6 h3 j6 r: A& j* @# x; j
  Schsische Bau GmbH, Dresden and EUROVIA Beton GmbH, Oebisfelde. @" _' N- Q2 I' U7 D1 G- F

  h5 T7 v, J" w3 M- U( l
connects-the-eastern-and-southern-districts-of-the-city-with-areas-in-the-north-.jpg -two-steel-arches-each-with-a-span-of-148-m-carry-the-middle-section.jpg the-carriageway-slab-of-the-steel-composite-bridge-was-constructed-in-21-concret.jpg four-lanes-and-on-both-sides-of-the-bridge-4-45-m-wide-pedestrian-and-cycle-lanes.jpg gt-24-lattice-girders-provided-support-for-the-formlining.jpg lightweight-raised-formwork-units-facilitated-fast-and-simple-moving-to-the-next.jpg


wl_0910 发表于 2017-5-22 07:55:06
cjcc 发表于 2017-6-10 19:28:33
补充一个德文介绍8 \6 |7 ]- O0 }
08_bruecke-neu.pdf (17.1 MB, 下载次数: 565)
- Z. q1 B4 I% ?" H/ P, O* N/ N4 Z  |
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